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Sometimes I Like To Stop For A While...


I like to stop for a while.

Just for a little while and

Watch as life passes by.

It may seem to others

That I am wasting time,

Of this life of mine,


Though, to me,

I see so much,

As I stop a while.

Time seems to stop with me,


I see the breeze,

Dancing with the leaves,

Whispering a sweet melody,

Sharing their secret with me.


No one else seems to notice,

As they rush on by,

To their destinations.

Yet, here I find my salvation.


I sit a while.

The ground steadies my Soul,

As the mysteries reveal

Themselves to me,

So humbly, they show

Me how to be.


I feel it and I know,

As I sit a while

And remember again

Who I am.

~Written By Shelley Osman, Copyrighted 2023, 9.1.23 (written 15.10.22)

~Art work by Christian Schloe

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