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Image by Daniel Andrade

 Thank you for sharing your answered prayer.

I wish to be kept anonymous and give my permission for my answered prayer to be displayed on:

We thank you for sharing your answered prayers with us, if you are happy for your prayer to be publicly used (you can be kept anonymous) and displayed on the Prayers Answered page, please tick the appropriate boxes below. 

Your answered prayers will be read and published but they may not be visible until they have been reviewed.

Your consent to share your answered prayer

I wish to be kept anonymous and give my permission for my answered prayer to be displayed on:
I give my permission for my answered prayer to be displayed on:

Thanks for submitting!

Shelley does not ask for any fees for her time in prayer or for how ever many prayers that you request, but we gently invite you to offer any donation amount
that you can here.   Thank you.


When we give to others with generous hearts, we in return will always receive.

We thank you with all our hearts for giving any donation amount that you can, as it will help us to continue to serve for the greater good, to help as many as we can.


Copyright © 2020-2025 Shelley Osman ~ The Connection Way ® This website and it's contents are owned and operated by Shelley Osman ~ The Connection Way ®.  All rights reserved, reproduction of this site is expressly prohibited it may not be distributed or copied without written permission from Shelley Osman. All photographs and images are subject to copyright and are of ownership of Shelley Osman, if you would like permission to use any of these you must send your request in writing .

Website Design, Technical & Creation by Shelley Osman.  
Website Technical Design by Kate Jakszewicz

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