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The Connection Way meeting/event/talk/teachings will always be recorded whether by use of a dictaphone, by video recorder, via zoom or via the website

  • By attending the meeting/Event/Teaching/talk with Shelley Osman you agree that the recording may be published, sold on the site shop or otherwise used in ways that we find appropriate, for example social media platforms such as You tube.

  • Before you come to the live event or join any online event on screen, you have the option to send a private message to and ask for the recording to be edited to remove your personal details if they so happen to be disclosed during the recording or for your appearance to be hidden/ 'blanked'.

  • I agree not to record any connection calls or online events of Shelley Osman ~ The Connection Way

  • Publication Agreement *

By booking a Connection Personal appointment/session online, telephone or in person at a venue with Shelley Osman you agree to Shelley Osman recording the session. 

Personal Connection Telephone Recording 

The telephone recording will made available to you to purchase separately if you wish at the separate fee of £20.00 per recording for your 1-2-1 connection time with Shelley Osman. Please go to our Personal Connection page and book the Recording Of Connection Call service and we will send the audio to you. 

Please pay this amount of £20.00 in full and send your email address or your drop box information to and we will send you an audio file of your recording.


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